Friday 4 September 2020

Surviving the 'WFH' week - we've got this!

Still working from home? 

Keep reading for my top 5 tips on surviving yet another (mind numbing) week.....

1 - Write that to-do list. If you're struggling to focus, a list can be a God send. A post-it note brain dump can be just the thing to keep you on track for the week. Start each day with no more than 5 tasks you really want to smash and tick those bad boys off as you go. You will feel like an absolute boss who is winning at life at the end of each day. 

2 - Communication is key. If you are missing the office gossip and that 4pm gathering around the water cooler to discuss Karen's questionable outfit choice, then reach out to your colleagues. Chances are you're all in the same boat and all missing the joys of office life. So set up that WhatsApp group or arrange that Zoom call and just touch base with people - I guarantee you'll feel better for it. 

3 - Get up and dress up. Nothing makes you feel less like being productive than staring at your laptop screen whilst languishing around in last nights pyjamas. We've all done it and there will be days when that's all you can manage but if you can, get up with enough time to have a shower, put on proper clothes, throw on a bit of slap if you want to and sit yourself upright at an actual desk! It really helps to get your mindset straight ready for the working day. 

4 - Procrastination is the purveyor of doom. If you need to do it, get it done - the thought of it will always be worse than doing it. We've all had those situations where we've put off a task that feels daunting but it only gets worse and anxiety kicks in.  The task feels even more daunting, you feel even more anxious but once you get cracking on it, you always wonder what all the fuss was about. Been there too? Thought so. You will feel so much more balance in your brain for getting the job done sooner rather than later. 

5 - Go easy on yourself. If you are anything like me, motivation is severely lacking right now. It's difficult to keep yourself going but if you are still going, then I reckon you're doing your best. Go make yourself a brew and crack open another packet of custard creams - you deserve it!

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Surviving the 'WFH' week - we've got this!

Still working from home?  Keep reading for my top 5 tips on surviving yet another (mind numbing) week..... 1 - Write that to-do list . If yo...